Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Questions We "Only-Children" have

As you can probably tell from the title, I am an only child and most likely will continue to be one. While I do have a few only-child friends too, they are few and far-between. Most of my friends have siblings. And I'm always so confused about it and have a billion questions. Here are a few

How do guys have privacy?
It's hard enough to have those parents who want to know EVERYTHING about your life, but how do you deal with a person somewhat your age always around to barge into your room without knocking?

Do you guys ever feel like you need space? And how do you guys get it if you're always around each other?

Are you guys friends or enemies or what?
What kind of relationship do you guys even have? Is it the joint at the hip types or the don't even look at me types?

The whole lets-share-everything thing
Ugh, no please. I have a hard time sharing some of my food with people, I do not want to share my clothes with you too. Please

Personal space and secrets
Is there a limit to how much personal space a sibling shares (or as I like to put it, invades)? And what about secrets? What stuff is off limits?

How bad is the competition/comparison?
It's pretty bad if you have  twin in the same school. It would mean CONSTANT comparison about everything. But still, you guys must be compared to a older sibling (or in some cases, a younger one) about so many things. How do you guys deal?

Twins question:If you guys have different friends and one of gets invited to a party, does the other go or what?

Do you miss him/her when they're not there?
It must be a much more unique relationship than your parents, so what do you feel when they're not there?

This is just a few of those questions which I'm always asking you siblings. Feel free to answer them in the comments or make your own post on this, or questions you have about us only-children

I just blew out my hair an it's so hard to mane-tain
Bad pun, true. But I mustache you, did you laugh?

See you whenever

This is what I do during my French exam

I just gave my French midterm. The paper is supposed to be for 3 hours, but I finished it in an hours time.Again.
It's come to a point where I purposely analyze every single sentence and do it at a snail's pace, but I'm still left with an hour and a half to spare.
Well at least 1/2 an hour is gone right? right? RIGHT?!
Anyway, I digress. So at the back of my paper, I wrote down a list of things I did when I finish my paper early i.e. a guide to uselessness.

check paper. twiddle thumbs. check clock. go for a sip of water. take circles around the water fountain. walk back slowly and look into every class. walk faster as teacher approaches. try a tap routine under the table. get told off for making noise. try to make eye contact with someone who's also finished. moonwalk with your fingers. check paper again. sing multiple songs in your head. get told off for accidentally drumming on the table. doodle. make faces behind the invigilator's back. go to the loo. stay inside and run up and down the loo. get out when you hear the thudding on the door. how much longer? check clock. tap fingers restlessly. try a fishtail braid and fail. think really hard about the question you skipped. eh, leave it. empty your pencil case and fill it back up. try to find someone who's finished the paper. doodle. drink some coffee from the thermos. burn your tongue. try to make back stories about everyone. fail, I already know everyone. imagine life in a band. imagine life with Benedict Cumberbatch. imagine life as a Doctor's companion. check the paper one last time. somebody please make eye contact. think about leftover pizza at home. breathe consciously. try to flex your leg muscles. hold your breath for as long as possible. keep your eyes open for as long as possible. clean glasses. finally decide to sleep. get woken up by bell signifying the end of the exam. wait impatiently for invigilator to collect paper. rush out of the exam room. breathe deeply

My life is SO fun, I bet you all want to live it.

How long does it take for PointlessBlog to make a video?
Deyes and deyes

See you whenever

Monday, 8 September 2014

Capaldi Regime

*Whovian post Warning*
Yes, I know the new season is just 2 (or 3 depending on when I post this) episodes in, but I feel obligated to write my thoughts on it.
I was surprised at the positiveness Capaldi was greeted with. Yes, he was old and was probably going to be kind of grumpy, but it wasn't an all-out refusal like it was with Matt. And Matt was dear to many. It took a while to accept him and Moffat (*shakes fist*) but it eventually came back to normal

I was pretty excited about Capaldi. Yes, I missed Matt endlessly and was not to keen on watching a darker version of the Doctor, but nevertheless, it was the first new Doctor episode I was watching. LIVE. *excited shriek*
I was all set up, with a blanket, my link loaded and a near lifetime supply of water and energy bars (I eat healthy, okay? Shush) when all of a sudden...the link stopped working.
I was in tears, because I had put in a lot of effort into this and had hyped this up SO much, I wasn't ready for such a disappointment. But I digress.
I did manage to watch the last 20 minutes live and immediately after asked my friend to download the episode and give it to me later. It's a pretty efficient system now.
Anyway, on with the review (which is spoiler LOADED)

Deep Breath: HE'S BAAACK! It was a pretty good episode (not RTD good, but good still) and I loved the fact that the Paternoster Gang (Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax-by the way, I have no clue why they are called that, I saw it on the Wikipedia page, someone tell me?) was back. They are my absolute favorite sidekicks (if I must)
Good, sassy delivery of lines, especially by Vanny (Vastra x Jenny). Also, the line before the kiss? Perfect!
The Doctor has  attack eyebrows now! Whoop!
The Scottish accent. Eh, not my favorite thing.
Clara said the "You've redecorated. I don't like it" thing! Such a huge smile after that
I really feel that Clara-a pretty flat character, now has some much-needed character development
The "I'm not your boyfriend, Clara" line? Woah, such good delivery and I liked the shock in her face when she heard it. Okay, maybe this dark thing is not that bad
The casual death of the half-men I didn't like. I'm so conditioned to the "never-hurt-a-fly-unless-it's-a-Dalek-fly" Doctor, this definitely jarred me. I'm not sure if I like it.
MATT SMITH! HOLY HOLIES OF GUACAMOLE! I was so happy and crying at the same time at that Trenzalore phone call. Nice way to round back a loose end we thought was not loose, Moffat. Wait, do you think he called all his companions, or just Clara?
The end scene with a weird woman in the "Promised Land" uhhh, what? I need to know now!

Into the Dalek: First off, the name is just so provocative. All I can think off is a Dalek going "Harder! Harder!" Yeah, weird, I know.
More soldiers/Doctor drama time!
The good man question. UGH, loved it
The shrinking bit was a definite repeat to the Tesseract time. Not your greatest moment, Moff.
Besides that good episode,nice plot twist, though let's face it, everyone knew the Dalek was going to become bad again, even with the "I saw a star being born" bit.
The anatomy of a Dalek is like a madman's cave. It's sensitive metal and the brain matter and everything, just ugh. Don't want to think about it.
Again with the brutal death with the anti-bodies. Yeah, it was inevitable, but the way he brushed it off? Uh-uh, not good
The end was cheesy, but good. It wasn't my highlight (that was in the Dalek with them exploring everything.) but nice way to wrap loose ends.
BUT, there's that woman again. Seriously, what's going on?

Why was the Face of Boe lonely at prom?
Because he had no body to go with!

See you whenever!