Wednesday 10 September 2014

Questions We "Only-Children" have

As you can probably tell from the title, I am an only child and most likely will continue to be one. While I do have a few only-child friends too, they are few and far-between. Most of my friends have siblings. And I'm always so confused about it and have a billion questions. Here are a few

How do guys have privacy?
It's hard enough to have those parents who want to know EVERYTHING about your life, but how do you deal with a person somewhat your age always around to barge into your room without knocking?

Do you guys ever feel like you need space? And how do you guys get it if you're always around each other?

Are you guys friends or enemies or what?
What kind of relationship do you guys even have? Is it the joint at the hip types or the don't even look at me types?

The whole lets-share-everything thing
Ugh, no please. I have a hard time sharing some of my food with people, I do not want to share my clothes with you too. Please

Personal space and secrets
Is there a limit to how much personal space a sibling shares (or as I like to put it, invades)? And what about secrets? What stuff is off limits?

How bad is the competition/comparison?
It's pretty bad if you have  twin in the same school. It would mean CONSTANT comparison about everything. But still, you guys must be compared to a older sibling (or in some cases, a younger one) about so many things. How do you guys deal?

Twins question:If you guys have different friends and one of gets invited to a party, does the other go or what?

Do you miss him/her when they're not there?
It must be a much more unique relationship than your parents, so what do you feel when they're not there?

This is just a few of those questions which I'm always asking you siblings. Feel free to answer them in the comments or make your own post on this, or questions you have about us only-children

I just blew out my hair an it's so hard to mane-tain
Bad pun, true. But I mustache you, did you laugh?

See you whenever

This is what I do during my French exam

I just gave my French midterm. The paper is supposed to be for 3 hours, but I finished it in an hours time.Again.
It's come to a point where I purposely analyze every single sentence and do it at a snail's pace, but I'm still left with an hour and a half to spare.
Well at least 1/2 an hour is gone right? right? RIGHT?!
Anyway, I digress. So at the back of my paper, I wrote down a list of things I did when I finish my paper early i.e. a guide to uselessness.

check paper. twiddle thumbs. check clock. go for a sip of water. take circles around the water fountain. walk back slowly and look into every class. walk faster as teacher approaches. try a tap routine under the table. get told off for making noise. try to make eye contact with someone who's also finished. moonwalk with your fingers. check paper again. sing multiple songs in your head. get told off for accidentally drumming on the table. doodle. make faces behind the invigilator's back. go to the loo. stay inside and run up and down the loo. get out when you hear the thudding on the door. how much longer? check clock. tap fingers restlessly. try a fishtail braid and fail. think really hard about the question you skipped. eh, leave it. empty your pencil case and fill it back up. try to find someone who's finished the paper. doodle. drink some coffee from the thermos. burn your tongue. try to make back stories about everyone. fail, I already know everyone. imagine life in a band. imagine life with Benedict Cumberbatch. imagine life as a Doctor's companion. check the paper one last time. somebody please make eye contact. think about leftover pizza at home. breathe consciously. try to flex your leg muscles. hold your breath for as long as possible. keep your eyes open for as long as possible. clean glasses. finally decide to sleep. get woken up by bell signifying the end of the exam. wait impatiently for invigilator to collect paper. rush out of the exam room. breathe deeply

My life is SO fun, I bet you all want to live it.

How long does it take for PointlessBlog to make a video?
Deyes and deyes

See you whenever

Monday 8 September 2014

Capaldi Regime

*Whovian post Warning*
Yes, I know the new season is just 2 (or 3 depending on when I post this) episodes in, but I feel obligated to write my thoughts on it.
I was surprised at the positiveness Capaldi was greeted with. Yes, he was old and was probably going to be kind of grumpy, but it wasn't an all-out refusal like it was with Matt. And Matt was dear to many. It took a while to accept him and Moffat (*shakes fist*) but it eventually came back to normal

I was pretty excited about Capaldi. Yes, I missed Matt endlessly and was not to keen on watching a darker version of the Doctor, but nevertheless, it was the first new Doctor episode I was watching. LIVE. *excited shriek*
I was all set up, with a blanket, my link loaded and a near lifetime supply of water and energy bars (I eat healthy, okay? Shush) when all of a sudden...the link stopped working.
I was in tears, because I had put in a lot of effort into this and had hyped this up SO much, I wasn't ready for such a disappointment. But I digress.
I did manage to watch the last 20 minutes live and immediately after asked my friend to download the episode and give it to me later. It's a pretty efficient system now.
Anyway, on with the review (which is spoiler LOADED)

Deep Breath: HE'S BAAACK! It was a pretty good episode (not RTD good, but good still) and I loved the fact that the Paternoster Gang (Madame Vastra, Jenny and Strax-by the way, I have no clue why they are called that, I saw it on the Wikipedia page, someone tell me?) was back. They are my absolute favorite sidekicks (if I must)
Good, sassy delivery of lines, especially by Vanny (Vastra x Jenny). Also, the line before the kiss? Perfect!
The Doctor has  attack eyebrows now! Whoop!
The Scottish accent. Eh, not my favorite thing.
Clara said the "You've redecorated. I don't like it" thing! Such a huge smile after that
I really feel that Clara-a pretty flat character, now has some much-needed character development
The "I'm not your boyfriend, Clara" line? Woah, such good delivery and I liked the shock in her face when she heard it. Okay, maybe this dark thing is not that bad
The casual death of the half-men I didn't like. I'm so conditioned to the "never-hurt-a-fly-unless-it's-a-Dalek-fly" Doctor, this definitely jarred me. I'm not sure if I like it.
MATT SMITH! HOLY HOLIES OF GUACAMOLE! I was so happy and crying at the same time at that Trenzalore phone call. Nice way to round back a loose end we thought was not loose, Moffat. Wait, do you think he called all his companions, or just Clara?
The end scene with a weird woman in the "Promised Land" uhhh, what? I need to know now!

Into the Dalek: First off, the name is just so provocative. All I can think off is a Dalek going "Harder! Harder!" Yeah, weird, I know.
More soldiers/Doctor drama time!
The good man question. UGH, loved it
The shrinking bit was a definite repeat to the Tesseract time. Not your greatest moment, Moff.
Besides that good episode,nice plot twist, though let's face it, everyone knew the Dalek was going to become bad again, even with the "I saw a star being born" bit.
The anatomy of a Dalek is like a madman's cave. It's sensitive metal and the brain matter and everything, just ugh. Don't want to think about it.
Again with the brutal death with the anti-bodies. Yeah, it was inevitable, but the way he brushed it off? Uh-uh, not good
The end was cheesy, but good. It wasn't my highlight (that was in the Dalek with them exploring everything.) but nice way to wrap loose ends.
BUT, there's that woman again. Seriously, what's going on?

Why was the Face of Boe lonely at prom?
Because he had no body to go with!

See you whenever!

Thursday 31 July 2014

Aspirations and dreams

Don’t waste your time on me, you’re already a voice inside my head
I've been listening to Blink-182, 5SOS (they’re pop-punk okay?), Green Day, Good Charlotte and Paramore, nowadays, with a splash of fun. and Miniature Tigers. I think I have found my calling. This one lyric from I Miss You has been haunting me. There’s no point trying to make me love you, because I am already in love with you.
It’s so beautiful isn't it? I really like it
I've been doing a lot of writing these past few weeks, trying to deal with a barrage of emotions, just wording it differently. Most of my music is never from experience. I've never sighted someone across a bar, or have my heart broken a million, a million, a million times (quotes from one of my full-lengths). Yet it comes so much more easily to me than writing about what I really feel.
An identity crisis.
I've always been a good girl in pleated skirts and polos. Literally always, I was even a quiet baby. It’s been ingrained that good grades are the only way to success and that I have to push myself to get a profession that is “acceptable”. I always outright refused to do anything with business (seeing how my entire family was in it and they never had much time for me) and wanted to go the vet way (NOTE: This was before I realized how sad a dog’s death was). Over the last few years, I changed my mind. I wanted to be a teacher. A history teacher, no less.
Suffice to say, my parents were shocked.
They begged and pleaded for me to change my mind, showing me how wonderful math and science was especially for someone with a brain like mine. They pooh-poohed the humanities and every  time we went for a PTA, they made a beeline for my math teachers, trying to make them convince me that I was a math child, not for the humanities. They tried convincing me that it was poor pay and what not. I always retaliated with one argument. I’d rather be poor and happy doing what I do than be rich but doing something I hate.
It took nearly 2 years to convince them that I really had a passion for History and teaching, a relatively “normal” profession. But I don’t think I can ever tell them what I've really wanted to do since I was a kid
Most of you don’t classify my music as ‘real music’ as they are simply fragments of blank verse without a tune for you. And I don’t either. But I have pages and pages and pages of notebooks filled with music that I've written and when I show it to a few select friends, their compliments really light me up. And I really want to consider this as a real profession. I've done my research, I know this is hard, especially since I live where I can’t really write music for local bands, since a) there aren't any and b) I can’t write Hindi or Hindi music. It’s what I really want to do deep down and I know it’s not profitable. I can’t convince my parents to let me take it in IB either (I've taken 2 Group 3’s soo) especially not after the history fiasco
But I can try to succeed on my own
And now, that’s all that matter’s right?

See you whenever.

Monday 28 July 2014

#artfromscars project

Next time you bring
A knife to your arm
Think that it drives through me
Next time you imagine
Starving yourself 
Imagine me weak from hunger

I know you look in the mirror
And don't see the vision of perfection I do
But you were never made to compete with angels
So don't try and attain that perfection

The fading scars on my arms are a mark of victory
It shows the lack of new ones crisscrossing my veins
It shows that I have been through great pain
And emerged victorious

So I beg of you, let them be
They are painful to look at
But they are memories
A dark form of 
A twisted sphere of art

This poem was written in honour of a project I have started.
It is called the #artfromscars project where people use their scars from painful memories to create beautiful art and change those memories
The scar cannot be covered to show that you have recovered/ are recovering
Please, please, PLEASE do not scar yourself for this. Draw a scar on(like a plain brown line) and use it
Go wild, draw whatever fancies your mind.
Either send it to me at with subject-#artfromscars and I'll post it on Twitter of tweet me with the hashtag #artfromscars at @RhisjustaReject

Friday 4 July 2014


Hi readers,
I'm going through a tough time personally and am planning to take a long hiatus to cope and recover. I'll be back in full force before you know it.

Friday 27 June 2014

Hopeful a helpful link party post.

Looking for more pain in your already bruised from fangirling hearts? I'm in love with this story since I relate so much with this girl, Chloe.
New indie bands to obsess about?
Good website for geekery? (there is more than that, but I was  reading a DW article so...)
Don't know what else to listen to?
Song that I relate to the most?  This song's message is the truth. Also relates to the fanfiction.
Some good books to read?

  • Larklight-Phillip Reeve
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey-Arthur C Clarke 
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy-Douglas Adams
  • Toxic #15-Sara Shepard
  • Free to Fall-Lauren Miller
  • Part of Me-Kat Zhang
  • The Secret Life of Lizzie Bennet (not out yet, but soon!)-Bernie Sue
  • The Art of Lainey-Paula Stokes
  • Wonder-R.J Palacio
  • Uglies-Scott Westerfield
  • Eleanor and Park-Rainbow Rowell 
  • Fangirl-Rainbow Rowell
  • The Secrets of Nicholas Flamel-Michael Scott
  • Jackie Daydream-Jacqueline Wilson (UPDATE: This has a sequel?!?)
Band I love right now? Didn't think I'd actually say this but I'm sorta obsessed with them.
Like vintage clothing?
Person who's been the best right now? Prina Singh. Much supportive.
Best research source which probably no one would use? Research secret.
Excellent song right now? The one above, this one: and this one:
Best Pinterest board for SuperWhoLock?
Best YouTuber who makes bad puns? (Evan Edinger backwards by the way)
Don't know what to eat?
Don't know what to do with your hair (like me)? Works best if you have longer hair, but works with shoulder length sometimes too.
Most inspirational YouTuber(this one's obvious):
Music you should listen to when it comes out? TRXYE. Because duuuude.
Where you should attempt to be? *sobs softly in corner*
What other links do you guys need? I'm happy to help!

What do you call a shady place in Italy?
A spaghetto!

See you whenever

Thursday 26 June 2014

This post did not end the way it began.

Okay, so one of my really good friends is obsessed with One Direction. Like how I am with DW or Sherlock etc. Now, I don't really like them loads, just not m, you y kind of music y'know. I don't hate them or something. Getting that out of the way.
But I feel like band fangirls, or musician fangirls get a lot more criticism than us nerd fangirls.
Maybe this is just a personal thing, because no one knows about DW or Sherlock in my parts (uncouth) and the most popular fandom I am a part of is HP. And everyone loves HP. (Ronmione is life, okay?)
I've have, however, personally seen  Directioners, Smilers, Lovatics, Azaleans, J-Cats, Beliebers and so on get a lot of hate from everyone.
I'm curious to know why. They're music can be foot-tappingly catchy, and yeah, some go a bit...overboard... with their love. But why criticize them? Because we like to show love to someone who inspires us? Someone who makes us happy when we are sad? Someone who's mere mention brings a smile to our lips? Yeah, we've probably never met them before, and in someways, maybe that's a good thing.
To explain my point, I'm taking the YouTube fandom as an example (I am a huge part of this fandom, so if I end up insulting the fandom, I'm insulting myself too. Doubly so, because I probably didn't notice it.) Maybe there is a vlogger you like. Someone you truly admire and maybe are in love with. Your walls are covered in their posters. But you've only seen the side they want you to see, their best side. They may have a bad side too, or a vice. But till you meet them, how will you ever know this bad side? Yeah, you might know of this vice, but God. Let them be human. You know that they have faults, but instead of covering up for them or refusing to believe that it is a fault, you look at their brighter side. You may criticize them for their faults, but ultimately you admire them for their positives
It's like that with most fandoms too. If someone ever told me that the first few seasons of DW have kind of crappy fx, I will moan about it with you.
Oy veh, this went in a totally different direction than I expected it to go.

What did the shy pebble wish for?
Just that she was a little boulder.

See you whenever.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

David Tennant GIF abuse post (and other things)

" I am a S, S-O, S-O-R-O-R-I-T-Y girl!"
This tune is haunting me in my dreams, I tell you.
Hello there!
Hi David!
As a geeky girl, it seems odd to me that I have a strange affliction (not an imperial affliction har har) to cheesy girl dramas like Sorority Girls. Most of you probably think I spend a majority of my TV time watching Harry Potter, Doctor Who or Sherlock

Ok, fine. Maybe I do.
Strange, innit?
Most of you don't know this either, but I'm normally writing posts at my most creative hour-2 am. Which is erm, right now. I publish them later to give off a normal, non-creepy vibe. Well, not anymore though, is it?
Wise words.
Do any of you here listen to fun. or Panic! at the Disco? Have you seen their videos? 
A bit questionable aren't they?(I'm talking in particular about this fun. video and this P!ATD video)
It's hard explaining to a newbie what they actually mean.
Yes, they mean so, so much, but I can't explain it to you.
It'll probably end up something like this:
The video is like a...

I think that's quite enough of all the David Tennant GIF's for now
Only joking
This was supposed to be an actual meaningful post about something, but I got distracted and started putting David Tennant GIF's and finding opportunities to put them in.

Hello there, I'm Captain Jack Harkness and I'm here to fill an empty hole in your life. [Note to new readers: I usually put a normal joke here. This is a Whovian exclusive joke. Sorry]

Doubly appropriate.
So, come on (or allons-y) the rest of my stupid journey with my blogposts. I've written loads more (not all Doctor Who related, not to worry)

I can't wait to meet an Alonso
See you whenever.
And remember...

She’s All That (Yet So Much More): A Perks of Being a Wallflower analysis on Mary-Elizabeth

An essay we had to write for book club, thought you guys might like to read it.
WARNING: Potential spoilers ahead. Please read the book before proceeding.

 “I never set out to be weird. It was always other people who called me weird.” As someone who is frequently called weird, this is my go-to response to “Why are so weird?

It’s easy to shelve people. That kid plays football? Jock. That girl who hides herself in all black? Emo. And anyone who doesn’t fit in these neat little shelves it put under the label “weird”. We don’t get them, their quirks are just so...odd and because everyone else shuns them, we should too. All of us eventually just want to fit in, so we tend to follow what everyone else does. If we don’t, there is “Log Kya Kahenge” and all that.

That is essentially what Perks Of  Being A Wallflower, an amazing, and shall we say, ‘infinite’ piece of literature  is about.A bunch of square pegs in round holes, who simply don’t care about liking the popular music or even remotely fitting in. To the protagonist, Charlie, this comes as second nature. He doesn’t know why (or at least he never reveals it) he is like that, he just is. Similarly his senior friends Sam and Patrick the Nothing, they are spontaneous and crazy and willing to put crazy costumes for the Rocky Horror Picture Show and swing dance in the middle of Homecoming. But I’m not writing to talk about them. I’m writing about Mary, a secondary character and Charlie’s short lived girlfriend.

In my eyes, Mary-Elizabeth’s nature isn’t to stand out. I think she would want to be like another girl, wearing pink and listening to the Top 40.She wants a boyfriend or even just a friend who she can talk to endlessly about anything, which is something she tries to do with Charlie. But she’s subconsciously peer pressured into being weird. Her friends are oddball, so she must be an oddball too. Personally, she pushes it to the limit. She scrambles to find everything that is unique and quirky, and does it.  Pierced to the nines, Buddhist, obsessed with the horror comedy Rocky Horror Picture Show, so much so that she has her magazine Punk Rocky, dedicated to it.and loves to listen to sad, woeful music absolutely no-one has heard of (indie girl bands being her favourite) . Well there are a lot of us too, who love Mary-Elizabeth’s type of songs. Just look at the number of sad love ballads on any teenager’s (including mine) iPod, and it’ll give you a look into how we-today’s teens prefer sad, yet real songs instead of the peppy beats we liked as kids. Mary is also such a feminist, it borders on obscene  She loves to talk round the clock  about her huge plans on college, her views on social issues (on which she stands by quite firmly) and how everything is “overrated” like many people today, who dismiss things if they are too mainstream and remotely popular (I’m looking at you, hipsters) It’s a wonder anyone manages to get in a word edgeways. And Charlie, guided by Sam, is her quiet spectator. She and Charlie and complete opposites, and the way she loves to control Charlie and very proudly presenting him as her boyfriend, we see a crack of insecurity in her tough-girl exterior. 

Mary as a character is someone who I didn’t identify with (I’m more of a Sam) or even like. I’ve seen so many people at school like her. Those who struggle, not to fit in, but to stand out. Those people who act differently against their nature just to make them known for being such a deviant.Personally, Chbosky did a great job of making minor characters like Mary, full, rounded characters (at least in my eyes) instead of giving her a one sided personality like many do. Most don’t realize how minor characters shape a character’s life. How would Harry be without Cho or McGonagall, Katniss be without her faithful sister Prim or Hazel without Issac? They are equally important to be given some sort of base as it is for the main characters.

One might stop to think after this book, what would happen to everyone. What would become of Charlie, Sam and Patrick? And well, what would become of Mary? I don’t really imagine her taking a stereotypical job like a doctor, a teacher, a businesswoman, although, she might “succumb”  to her nature and do just that. Based on what she is now, I predict she would be a head of something abstract like Saving the Blue Whales or something in the music or publishing industry. She is an intellectual however, so I wouldn’t be completely surprised if she heads a debate society/ club. But that’s for her, or rather Chbosky, to decide. If there is anything in Mary that influenced me it is probably her extremely opinionated mindset. I admire people who can stand up for themselves and express what they feel and argue for what they feel is right. I haven’t met a Mary Elizabeth ever, but I can certainly seen the chatterbox ability and the assertiveness in a a few of my friends quiet frequently. I can also say that for a while, I used to be a bit like her, struggling to be different and considering everything “too mainstream” and not doing things for the fear of what people would think. I’m glad I’m over that now

What do skeletons like on top of their mashed potatoes

See you whenever.

Monday 23 June 2014

Dance and the World Cup

This is not like that Ballet poem I wrote and yes I acknowledge that these are two unrelated topics. They will be addressed separately, not to worry.
By the way, my 'e' and 'o' key is jammed so excuse the spelling errors.
I really really love to dance. While, yes, I can't do it supremely well (who am I kidding, I can't do it well at all) I still love to choreograph.
My own dances, just to clarify. If someone else did my dances, they'll probably look psychotic.
So recently my friend said "I can never take dance as a subject.(in the IB you can take a performing or visual art as a subject) I mean, how can someone just listen to a song and make up as dance there and then?"
That is the first time I came to the realization that not everyone makes up dances. I still can't believe it.
If I'm listening to a song in private and it's catchy enough, I instantly get up and put some moves to that rhythm and if I really like it, I record it and practice it. I'm not doing it for a performance, I do it because I love it to death. Most of the time I pas de bouree when I'm walking (or jete if I'm really happy). Even when I'm sad I dance. It's almost impulsive for me. When I'm walking with my earphones, my feet and hands are making discreet movements trying to match the beats. Look at any dancer listening to music. They probably  do this too.

Wow, I'm not bothering to proof read the bit I just wrote, but I can bet it's just a random spill of feelings. I tend to do that. Quite often actually.

Next up, the Woooorld Cuuup!
It's going on right now, in case you haven't noticed the hype yet. I'm really disappointed in Spain and England this year though. I mean seriously, Spain? That has to be your worst World Cup performance yet. I'm ashamed of you. Brazil and Argentina (and Germany of course) seem to be doing pretty well (duh, Historically). But that is not what this segment is about.
I don't really get to watch a lot of matches live because of a) timing and b) workload. So I ask dad to record them and try to watch them if I have the time. Which is not very often. What I am tired of however is the people (especially guys) who judge me for this. Similar to the geek girl discrimination, if I don't know EVERY. SINGLE. STAT about every fricking player, I'm instantly given these judgy eyes by the guys, including some of my best guy friends. Wait one sec, do you know every stat? Were you born with this knowledge? No? Then don't expect every one with different parts (if you know what I mean) to be so. I started watching footie pretty late, near the end of the last WC. And as I said, I don't have the time to watch all the matches, know every stat and player and have a lifelong support for a team (like for Spain. Still disappointed in your shoddy playing). So, excuse me if I can't talk football all the time. I have a life and a very busy one too to be totally fixated on a sport. So keep those surprised and judgmental statements and looks to yourself. Okay, hon?

What is the difference between unlawful and illegal?
Unlawful is against the law. Illegal is a sick bird.

See you whenever.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Social media.

Inspired by a comment I heard at school.

I'm tired, I honestly am
Exhasuted and burnt out
Of keeping track of mindless, mindless chatter
Of tweets and posts and likes and followers

I doesn't make you better or worse
Having more friends on FaceBook than the other
More companions at face value, that's true
Think, how many of them would you like talking to?

I find it like air, these passing trends are
No one's going to remember six days later
That snarky comment you tweeted out
Or the pretty dress you reblogged.

Keep going for yourself, I don't mind.
Post that picture, reblog that post
But don't hide what you really love for your "audience"
As much as you may think, you don't live for likes/

I re-read this and it's just a mash of various emotions and blah, but I'm going to keep it for posterity's sake.

What did the green grape say to the purple grape?

See you whenever.

A Story I'm Writing

Thought I'd post a small extract to something I'm writing. It combines 2 of my favorite things- utopias gone wrong and Nazi history. Comment below and tell me your thoughts.

Writing, writing should help right? That's what they taught us in school. Writing preserves your memory. Goodness knows, my memories may be the only thing keep me sane right now.
I've got a decent food stock. Mama gave me all 3 of her lifesaver packs, so if I ration like crazy and learn to get food from this...this place I could survive 5 months. At a stretch.
Oh mama, mama, mama. She's probably dead now. Or be tortured by those brutes. Which is worse, I don't know.
Papa's already dead. They never need the males. Don't know why.
Sylvia! Oh my throat is raw from crying for her. My darling, darling baby sister. I know what they do to babies. They train them their prostitutes . I've heard stories on what they do to them. I can't bear to think of it anymore.
I guess I should start from where I should. An introduction, a real one. Not those lies we concocted right from school where we had to introduce ourselves.
My name is Alya Zurian. AZ. I live in Sector Delta Psi of what used to be called France. I speak the legal language and behave in the legal way. But  inside I'm wholly illegal.

I learnt what illegal was in the olden days of "democracy" (with demo-crazies, as the joke went). It meant isolating or hurting or even killing those for being different. We all laughed about it of course. It was perfectly legal to eradicate those who were different and didn't follow a certain path or be a certain way, regardless of those who were authority. The whole world knew that. How else would there be no conflict? I mean World Government's motto is "Destruction in Diversity". That's just how life goes.

That's it for now, I know it very short, but if y'all like it, I'll post some more. Comment and let me know?

Why are hobbits so good at math?
Because it's the little things that count

See you whenever.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Without your voice.

This house, for the past days
It seems empty, without your voice
Ringing loud and clear and now
Loneliness is no more a choice.
The rooms seem large
Without your presence, pervading
Every nook and cranny, every staircase
Even when I sit by the doors, waiting
I  lost count
After the first few days
it seems insignificant, to wonder
If you would return to the same space
You flew too fast, flew to high
Up into the treacherous sky
The gods found you then and refused to give
You back, to let you live
And now I sit by the windows
My eyes peering at the bloated moon
They are red but dry from the exhausted tears
And lips cracked from praying that I leave soon
Leave and cross the same sky
And to the land where you now live
Back to hearing that melodious voice
Oh, to hear again, what I wouldn't give

Poets note: I'm fine, I'm not depressed or anything.Felt a bit...dreamy? and melancholy while I wrote this.

Remember when I told you in this post about a fungi and an algae that took a lichen to each other?
Well, there's some bad news, their marriage is on the rocks.

To Dada, Daddykins, Dad, Papa, Mon pere, Mi padre

In light of Father's day, I wrote a poem
Thanks Daddy, for all that you've done for me every since I was your little peanut.

When I came crying home from school
I needed not mother's affection, but you
I wanted your carefree jokes and a long drive
Even if it was just to KFC to eat something fried

Whenever it was needed, you obliged
And pushed me to do things that I never tried
If it wasn't for you, Dad, what would I do?
Would I be like this, so much like you?

Taught me football in the middle of the night
Swung me on shoulders after a fight
A simple joke from you would make me okay
But most of all, you taught me lessons everyday

How I must stand on my own two feet
How to have courage and how to lead
While mum wanted to keep her little bird safe
You said "Fly safe and fly away"

So this is for you, this Father's Day
And the next, and the next, when I'm far away
I'll always be with you, in spirit and soul
Even when your Mini-Me is not so mini anymore.

Note: I sent this to my school's magazine, so if my teacher comes looking if I plagarized it, NO I DID NOT.

Why was the travelling nun's phone bill so high?
Because she was a Roman Catholic (roman, roaming gettit?)

See you whenever

So Where Have I Been

Hi everyone (she says after not posting for nearly a month)
It's totally cool right? (No.)
You guys understand (No, we don't and we are fuming)
Who am I kidding, I don't have an audience.
For that tiny percentile who might be reading and wondering, my internet was down. Then I went to camp. Then my laptop broke down. Then I went to Leh (with no net connectivity). Then I had a bout of "I must finish my pending work"(still not over). Aaaand now I'm back.
I have a few scanty posts lined up when I wrote them offline (a few song-poems and short stories) so this is just an update post.
I'm really addicted to Bunheads (a dance show) and am heartbroken that it is over. I still watch the routines over and over again, my favourite being this contemporary one to Istanbul (Not Constantinople), my most played song.
I fell in love with camp. I don't know whether it was the daily 3-5km treks (and I mean no road, people fell sort of treks) or those moments I climbed on to a high rock, almost secluded from the popular riverside, with a notebook and sketched or wrote (I  have some of those pieces here). But I loved loved loved it.
I can't think of anything on the spot now, so now you will have a barrage (not a barrage, more like a trickle) of posts.

Someone once called me average. How mean.

See you whenever.

Sunday 27 April 2014

Blind-The Short Short Story Challenge

A personal creation for story writers everywhere. Pick an object closest to your right, and write a short story on it, no less than 200 words (hard to curb your imagination, I know.) You can write any type of story, as long as the object features in it and tag someone if you want (link their blog too). Get writing!
Object: Football
Story: Blind 
Adrenaline was pumping through me as I ran the length of the field, the football in my control. The crowd is cheering my name, the name of my team, and the scorned few are cheering the opposition on.  Today is my moment. That moment I lead my team to its first victory in years by kicking the final goal. I swerve around my attackers and navigate around the waiting defense. My heartbeat audible in my ears, I kick, without giving a second glance and it soars into the goal. My team screams with joy as I’m hoisted onto their shoulders and the audience is going wild. I’m crying tears of joy and then...
I wake up to darkness. This is not new to me; it is only something I see every day. No, I’m not part of a football team or a football fan or anything like it. Or have been. Or will ever be. The absence of light, of colour, of anything, in my life is not new to me.
I’m the only one with any memory of the world. But I have been made blind to it.

It's inspired by the Maze Runner trilogy and The Giver.
Tagged: Rutvi and Preetha

How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? (Dad's favourite joke)
One, but it depends on whether the light bulb wants to change.

See you whenever.

Saturday 19 April 2014

Procrastination, great decision and a few sad events

I have a paper and a couple of worksheets due in 12 hours and I'm blogging.
Hells yeah! It seems that I can only write when I have a deadline on my head.
I love, love, love to read (Really? You say as you flip through my book related posts) and I really like Astronomy too.
We have a club system in our school where we can only pick 1. I have solidly picked astronomy through my club years, but this year I picked Book club. I'm one of 3 kids and I can say this with only attending 3 classes that I love it.
I do miss going to overnights and doing cool projects (like projectors and human solar systems) but it's amazing sitting with a bunch of like minded people and an amazing teacher and talking about good books.
On sad news, Thursday was our French teacher's last day. I (a rare cryer) was weeping as she came for her last class and started talking about her memories.
She was that one teacher who made our shy class start speaking French, so well, that most of us can transition into slow French to bitch about someone.
She brought us cake and we sang her favourite song (Vous le copains). We also had a HUGE card and a long letter.
She was an epic teacher. Instead of doing paperwork, she made us sing French songs, watch Lion King in French and film a video on ANYTHING. We made one on school behavior, secretly filming in class. I mean which teacher does that? Everyone was so upset, we didn't even talk to non-Frenchies.
Have you guys read the Giver by Lois Lowry? It's my absolute favourites, the kind I reread almost every night. I love talking about whenever I can.
It's going to become a movie. And by God, the trailer is HORRENDOUS. It's worse that the Percy Jackson trailer. I feel like crying and I'm so conflicted on whether I want to watch it.
I read Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. It's really good. Every fangirl should read it and relate.
I opened this with a story idea that slipped out of my mind. It'll come back, they always do.
I used to be a doctor, but then I lost patients (patience)
See you whenever

Friday 4 April 2014

I really wish I had something interesting to write, but I don't.

Hello again, those people who actually read this blog that I keep and DON'T hate it.
I'm 3 days in my sophomore year, and so far, it's pretty boring. I've had the exact same teachers and no course changes, so it's pretty much stable (read: dull).
I'm back from my vacation of doing exactly nothing except roll about and binge watch Criminal Minds, which I have finally caught up on.
I got my 9th grade GPA's and my national standardized test scores (I really don't want to brag, but I topped both-yes, I'm a smart kid, deal with it.)
I started a new tumbelog on Criminal Minds which you can see here.
I had a micro-revelation on the way back. I was fiddling with a pair of Chinese handcuffs, fruitlessly struggling to get my fingers out, when I realized how much it's like life (wow, clichéd much?). If you don't know how to get out of a Chinese handcuff, you shouldn't struggle, you should completely relax. And to get through problems, instead of struggling and getting restless about conquering it, we should remain calm.
In that time, I also got the handcuffs off.
I completely forgot about this!
This amazing thing has happened, and it is not all over the news! Why ever not? Spread the word guys.
(Yes, you'll have to read the link to know what the amazing thing is, but it is 100% worth your time, no matter how busy you are. No, I'm not telling what it is)
Yes, what you are reading is real. Amazing, isn't it?
I'm running out of stuff that happened to me, or stuff that i could write about because it's been an uneventful (but relaxing) couple of weeks.
For other Astronomy geeks, my Astronomy club is going for a Messier Marathon in a few days. Hopefully there is coffee, because last time there was an overnight, I feel asleep halfway. If not, I'm totally bringing a thermos of fudge coffee
What are fudge coffees you ask? Well, they're just coffee (instant) with a spoonful of chocolate fudge cake mix mixed in. It gives you so much energy (with a sugar crash ensuing). This is the only reason I get cake mix though.
One more thing, I have to take my decision on picking IB for my junior year with History, Geography and French (HL) and Chemistry/Biology, English (SL) and Math Studies. Any opinions guys?

As the farmer passed by a gorgeous woman, he did everything to tractor attention

See you whenever.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Is it really worth it?

I'm writing this on a Word Document which I shall later copy onto my blog due to my promise.
My exams are halfway through. Yay!
I finished the LBD side projects. Yay!
I joined ballet class (a proper one, finally). Yay!
Now after proclaiming these mini achievements of mine, back to topic

Now I scribe. For those who don't know what that means (aka most of you), I help kids a few grades above me, who can't write due to whatever reason, write. They dictate the answer to me, and I transcribe it. My scribee is dyslexic, so I help her out.
Scribing helps boost my co-curricular grades, helps boost my applications and gives me an idea into what I could do in grades above.

Now, scribing for a person, just a grade over you, means that ALL their exams overlap with ALL your exams which means either one of us has to have different dates for exams.
Now last to last year, my exams were a day later than hers (we have a 1 day gap between each exam. During this gap,  I had my exams)
Now this is was great for me. I used to get the papers of the kids who gave their papers on the actual date, and as ours had very little change, it was essentially the same questions. Which meant practically straight A's throughout.

Last year, there was a change. Her exams were changed to fall on the alternate days. Which meant that I gave my papers on the same day as everyone else. Also I reached high school last year, which meant loads more work and a lot more exam course. Due to scribing, I wasted more than half a day ( I came home at 1:30) just writing something I didn't get. It gave me headaches and really late nights. In fact, today was a day I had to scribe, and I spent at lot of time doing nothing as she thought of answers, which is why this midschool crisis struck me.
So I want your opinion. I feel it really helps with my applications (as I've mentioned before, I'm really bad at athletics of any sort, so this really boosts up my grades and my applications) and gives me an idea into what the next grades papers could be, but then again, it really stresses me out
What do you think? Should I continue doing this?

To quote Little Mix (who's new album is surprisingly good)

What would you do? What would you say?
How does it feel to pretend it's OK?
My eyes deceive me, but it's still the same
Pretend it's OK.

In a lot of cases of things-that-aren't-really-necessary-but-I-still-do-it, I question this. Why should I get straight A's in subjects I'm not planning on pursuing? Why do I play basketball even though I hate doing it? Why do I make my bed everyday if I'm going to crumple it anyway (every teenager's question)
In other news, my dad is now sending me his selfies. Yup.

*UPDATE: I wrote this on 14th March FYI. I forgot I had written it, so apologies for the late post.

Why should you never crack chemistry jokes?
Because the good ones argon.

See you whenever.

Writing. A lot of it.

First things first. Rutvi, here, reblogged this thing called describe me like an author would and I did it for her. I quite liked it, so I'm sharing it.If you've seen Rutvi or you are Rutvi (hi!), tell me what you think.
"She was constantly happy, you could see she found little things made her happy. Her thick night black hair was firmly secured backwards and her bouncy nature dared it to fall. Her glasses perched on her nose brightened her sparkling brown eyes, deeply set in her tan skin. Her deep voice contained so much emotion, it wasn't possible for it to express more. Her fingers had pen stains, like a  writer who has been driven to the brink of madness and can’t stop writing. Her laugh bounced across walls as it hit the ear of everyone and made them smile and laugh."
I have also gone on a His Dark Materials spree.
No other book has explored such metaphysical topics so accurately, so succinctly and so...simply. Who would've thought that it could happen in a children's book? It is a beautiful book. Please read it.
Next, a poem

It looks impossible,

Too hard to break through.
Can't walk through it
Can't get through

But there is something worth saving

Worth saving on the other side
So don't you think, however hard it is
It's worth a try

Slice through, you will pass

Get through to a new world
With things you've never seen
And new ideas unfurled

With their creations, and their life

Somehow you fit in
You are different, you are "weird"
But now, you are them

At the back of your mind rests
There may be danger

What you need to do
Look through a mirror
And you shall see through

But won't you fight through
Dear, dear Mary
Atal is here for you.

Oh, the Amber Spyglass, why do you do this to me? Anyway guys, hope you liked it. I'm going on vacation now, so I shall see you early April, as a what? As a Sophomore!
What do you call a nosy pepper?
Jalapeno business! 

See you whenever

Epic Saga time!

Okay, not an epic saga, but the longest song I've ever written. It's almost full length and revolves around a reference. I can't choose between The Rhythm of my Life, Beating, or Back of my Head as a a title though.
Also the first line is sung in the same way it is sung in Of The Night by Bastille.
I really like this, so it's copyrighted too. By me. Okay?

It is the rhythm of my life
But it isn't constant
No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no 
Sometimes it's crazier
Louder than ever
Sometimes it's slow
Soft and slow

Sometimes it's dark and dreary and dull and gloomy
And oh so melancholy
Sometimes it's bright and happy, all sunshine and smiley
But sometimes I feel so sorry

And there's a drum beat
In the background
It's no more than four
And when it's loud or crazy
Or soft or lazy
It's there

Beating, beating,beating
At the back of my head
Oh woah oh, oh woah oh oh oh oh
It's beating, beating, beating
At the back of my head

And it keeps me grounded
Keeps my strong
(At the back of my head)

It keeps me going
Walking and strong
(At the back of my head)

It brings me out of 
The darkness inside 
(At the back of my head)

It always asks me 
Why do you hide?
*epic Take Your Time Coming Home type guitar solo*

It is the rhythm of my life 
But no, it isn't constant
And it is the rhythm of my life
And it'll play wherever it goes.

Why has no one heard of the Mexican Mafia?
Because it's Nacho business

See you whenever.

Monday 3 March 2014

LBD, not able to focus,viewership and sudden outbursts of I really don't want to be with you

Finals week is upon me, and what do I do?
I blog. Typical procrastinate-y me. Le sigh.
So, first topic, LBD.
LBD here refers to the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, not Little Black Dress as you might wonder. What else could it be?
Let's Be Dazzled?
Little Bony Dolphins?
Low Back Drawers?
I don't know, but anyway I finally finished the entire Lizzie Bennet Diaries and I'm sad.
Not because it has a sad ending *spoiler-it doesn't* but because now, I WANT A DARCY.
Thanks Lilly.

Yes, it is a modern day spin off on Pride and Prejudice and it is amazingly hilarious. Worth 7 hours of your life. It has a hundred 5 minute long episodes and it is wonderful.
Also, it is directed by Hank Green. WHAAAAT? (LBD reference)
My finals, as I said, are upon me (in 2 days actually) and I've just completed my syllabus.
Needless to say, I am FREAKING OUT.
I have found countless distractions and so many more things to do than study and I can't do anything about it and I hate it, because I hate feeling out of control of anything and that's exactly what's happening to me.
That was a good rant. Nobody reads these anyway.
Okay, now I'm serious. I'm not posting till the 18th and now that I have made a blog promise, it feels awkward to go back on it. So that's it. No more posts for a while. Keep re-reading though. And comment. I won't know whether you exist unless you read. Thanks Germany and the US for reading though. YAY!
Speaking of viewership, it's something that I want, but I don't.
Many of my friends know that I own a blog, however, none of them know the URL. They beg me for it, but really, I don't want to tell them. I know how much it would boost my viewership, but I want people to stumble upon this and like it, not because that girl at school, gave them the address. One of my best friends begged me for it today and it took me all my willpower to say no. This could be because of my TMI post that reveals stuff that people in my  tiny school would love to know. So, no, I don't want you to read my blog. If you stumble upon it or I tag you, great. If not... well, I don't know. Happy reading I guess.
I also have been really moody
I'm usually a happy, yet sarcastic, bubbly person. Yet lately, I sometimes don't feel like being with one of my best friends and prefer being with total strangers. Why? I don't know. No, before you jump to conclusions, I am not on, nor near, my period. Okay, suspecting jerk?
See what I mean? Moody. I swear, my friends probably think I've gone all Cady Heron on them. To quote Superwoman(yet again):
I know, how caring I've been of a friend. Much nice.
Anyway, this is my last post in a while. I must resume to cramming Biology and History at record speed now.
What's the difference between a piano, a tuna and a glue stick?
I don't know. What is it?
You can tuna a piano, but you can't piano a tuna!
What about the glue stick?
I knew you'd get STUCK on that one!
Ha ha, I know. Lameness overboard

See you whenever

Thursday 27 February 2014

Ballet-a poem.

Elle est magnifique, non?
Shoulders down, stomach in,
Thumbs tucked, chest out.
Head up, don't sickle
The foot that's turned out.

Lift up, up, up,
And go down in releve.
Now tendu devant.
Don't let that bun astray.

A rond de jambe across,
Follow with a fondu
Stay in fifth, but,
Don't forget the tune

Leap across the room
Arabesque and pray
To dance your entire life
To pirouette through ballet.

Shoulders down, stomach in,
Thumbs tucked, chest out
Head up, don't sickle
The foot that's turned out.

Sorry for the lack of accents, somebody French would kill me because of it.

Why did the fungi marry the algae?
They took a lichen (liking) to each other

See you whenever

Fake Geek Girl-A Rant.

A geniune, but slightly maddening question, regardless of gender.

If you are a part of the geek community, no matter what sphere (comics, anime,gamer, film etc.), you might have heard of this term- the "Fake Geek Girl". Maybe, if you are a girl, you have been called one. Where did this start? I don't know when exactly, but it did get rekindled by this. It has the original Tony Harris post and comments on it.
Indeed it is maddening. There is no deciding factor to whether one is geeky enough to... I don't know, be a geek. So what if you watched Avengers because Thor was hot and then fell in love with everything about it? So what if you've only played GTA or CoD? Everyone has to start somewhere, right?
And to the Tony "Eff you" Harris (you'll get the pun once you've read the article), what on Earth makes you think every god damn thing a woman or a girl does must a) be feminine and docile or b) for your attention? In case, you didn't realize we are also humans (shock and horror!) We are so human, that we gave birth to you. When I say we, I mean one of womankind has given birth to one of mankind. I hope you got this, I can't explain it really well.His FaceBook post does say that geek girls exist but they are only the ones with no attractiveness. What the frack?Just because we wear mascara, it doesn't mean that our eyes are glued shut for us to read a comic or pick up a controller.
I myself have gone through this. When I was at a Comic Con stall, they had an Iron Man helmet and Mjölnir
 model for sale. I was far too broke to buy it of course, but when I asked for the price, a man behind me said, "It's not something that you can take home and put ribbons on you know." I was far too shocked by this statement to do anything other than storm away. Another indirect incident, at a Star Wars stall, when a girl decided to buy a light saber ( I assume she was rolling in cash, because it was really expensive) and was greeted with the dirtiest looks when she asked to buy it.
Really, mankind? Is this what you've stooped to? Let me get this straight across. I'll put it in bold and different font so it catches your attention. What we do is not always just for your attention. We get passionate about things we like also.
Okay, yes, some girls do just dress up skimpily and know about games just to impress boys, I know about this. But many of us are really, completely, whole heartedly real about our love for geek.We can spend hours discussing the choosing of the Justice League in various situations (in fact, I have) or the best old Doctor and time travel theories. Is it for the attention? Of course not!
If you ( as in guy geek) see a another fellow guy geek asking this question, you would probably snicker and answer the question, because, you know, he JUST got an Xbox. The minute a girl asks this, she is labelled as a poser. What? How is she a poser for asking a rookie question when she is a rookie?
And why do we dress up so skimpily for cons? It's not because we feel like it, it's because thats how the costumes are. Barely there armour and feature enhancing gear is the norm for several comic women. Look at the ever popular Wonder Woman.She's bad ass and wears skimpy clothing. So, the clothes aren't for your attention. It;s how they are made. Just to include than
I know, it sounds like I'm blanketing every geek guy and I know there are several geeks who consider us equal. But for those who think that the only reason I have so many superhero movies and DW gear is because I want to impress you, eff off.

No joke today, I'm kind of mad. But there is a link party.
Give them a serious look through.

See you whenever.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Some light reading recommendations

It's raining, it's pouring
It's raining so much, it gets boring.

Wow, I'm a good poet.
It's been raining for a good hour and a half now and it's really put me off. I have to study for my impending exams but the constant pitter patter has driven me berserk. So I'm just lying down reading Every Day by David Levithan and blogging. It's a perfectly sweet book.
Granddad told me that this is the sign that sunshine will start (yay!) because I'm getting real tired of winter and it's billion layers.
What was the intention of this post again?
Oh yes. Book recommendations- light reading
1.Every Day by David Levithan
2. The Ocean At the End of the Lane-Neil Gaiman.
3. The Bone Season-Samantha Shannon. Okay, not really "light reading" but it's pretty good.
4. An Abundance of Katherines- John Green
5. The Secret Country-Jane Johnson
6. W.A.R.P-Eoin Colfer. A bit fast paced by a total laugh-a-chapter.
7. Boy meets Boy-David Levithan
8. The Secret Series- Pseudonymous Bosch. An amazing 5 book series which will leave you reeling. Again not "light" but so worth obsessing over. Fear not if it gets confusing. (Almost) Everything is cleared up in future books.
9. The Wish List- Eoin Colfer. Again, a bit fast paced, but funny as Hell. (You'll get the pun later.)
10. George's Universe series-Lucy and Stephen Hawking. Where I gained my love for Astronomy.

There you go. My top 10 books you should read if you want to "take a break". Really simple, really absorbing in a way that you don't feel loaded with information, and something that you should try out

Q: What did the grape say when the elephant sat on it?
A: Nothing, it just gave a little wine.

See you whenever.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

TMI-Too Much Information

Having gone on a TMI tag binge recently, I thought that I would do a TMI post.
The questions are from Carrie (ItsWayPastMyBedtime) and her TMI tag.
1. What are you wearing?
My black three quarters and a plain navy t-shirt with a red sweatshirt
2.Ever been in love?
I think so, but I'm not sure.
3.Ever had a terrible breakup?
Nope. Not once.
4. How tall are you?
5ft 4"-approximately.
5.How much do you weigh?
47kgs-I'm tiny
6.Any tattoos?
7.Any piercings?
Just my ears.
CarrieMon, AdLock and FraZel.
9.Favourite show?
Doctor Who, Sherlock and Criminal Minds.
10.Favourite bands?
fun., Panic! At the Disco, American Authors and Union J.
11.Something you miss?
Swimming and a few of my friends.
12.Favourite song?
Keeps changing, but currently 'Of the Night' by Bastille.
13.How old are you?
15 years, 4 months and 9 days
14.Zodiac sign?
15. Quality you look for in a partner?
Smarts and a sense of humour.
16.Favourite quote?
It's a depressing one, but still-
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it."-Terry Pratchett.
17. Favourite actor?
Matthew Gray Gubler and David Tennant.
18. Favourite colour?
Teal, burnt orange and silver.
19. Loud music or soft music?
Loud, but sometimes soft.
20.Where do you go when you are sad?
At school-the pottery studio. At home-the internets.
21.How long does it take you to shower?
15 minutes if I wash my hair, or else,less.
22. How long does it take you to get ready?
10 minutes.
23. Ever been in a physical fight?
24. Turn on?
Being knowledgeable or just smart. Also singing prowess. Being Gus Waters helps.
25.Turn Off?
Insensitivity and closemindedness
26.The reason I joined YouTube/Blogger?
I've been meaning to write a blog for a long time and just felt like starting it and having a place for my thoughts and songs.
Failure and disappointing people.
Also horror films.
28.Last thing that made you cry?
I cry rarely, so probably when somebody punched me really hard in the stomach in  December.
29.Last time you said you loved somebody?
This morning to my dad before going to school.
30.Meaning behind your YouTube/Blogger name?
I love History, so wanted to include it, and according to historians, I'm obviously new.
31.Last book you read?
The Ocean At The End of the Lane- Neil Gaiman. This book is amazing for all ages. Give it a go.
32. The book you are currently reading?
The Atlantis Gene by A.G Riddle.
33.Last show you watched?
An episode of The Big Bang Theory.
34. Last person you talked to?
My friend Sid, about homework.
35. The relationship between you and the last person you texted?
Mallika-my best friend in the world.
36. Favourite food?
Risotto and sushi. Also tempura.
37. Place you want to visit?
Italy and Japan. Also DisneyLand USA.
38.Last place you were?
39. Do you have a crush?
40. Last time you kissed someone?
My mum, this morning.
41. Last time you were insulted?
Today afternoon.
42. Favourite flavour of sweet?
Lemon or grape.
43. What instruments do you play?
Does the cup song count? Otherwise, no.
44. Favourite piece of jewelry?
A giant green ring which I can't seem to find, so no pictures.
45. Last sport you played?
I danced yesterday, but really,  I played Basketball 4 weeks ago in school.
46. Last song you sang?
Feeling Good by Nina Simone.
47. Favourite chat up line?
Two of them: 1. Can I have a bandaid? I scraped my knee falling for you.
2. Be the Amy to my Rory because you make both my hearts skip a beat.
48. Have you ever used it?
I told them to my friend, Sid, to show how ridiculous they are, so not really.
49. Last time you hung out with someone?
Today afternoon with Mallika.
50. Who should answer these questions next?
Rutvi Zamre and anyone else who is running out of post ideas.
That's a wrap
Q: What did the Atlantic Ocean say to the Pacific Ocean?
A: Nothing. It just waved.
See you whenever.